

发布时间:2024-06-29 10:41:54•浏览次数:90




The outbreak of the epidemic again in the spring of 2022 has disrupted the rhythm of people's life and work. We interviewed five colleagues in the Shanghai office of gmp to share their thoughts during the time of stay-at-home order.


Leaving quarantine facility on the birthday,

rise like a phoenix from the ashes——Yu Yang


Our residential community was locked down on March 12. For a month or so, like most people living in Shanghai, I gradually got used to working from home, doing online grocery shopping, cooking, strolling in the community and taking the increasingly frequent swab tests.


On April 10, my friend, who lived with me, showed symptoms of a fever, and four days later, she was confirmed positive and transferred. We had no idea how she got infected. Anyway, during the lockdown period, positive cases kept increasing, and there were great risks in doing swab tests and bulk-buying.


Inevitably, on April 14, I showed similar symptoms. Then I was confirmed positive on April 17 and transferred on April 18 (The transfer of infected cases in Minhang District, I must say, couldn’t have been more efficient at that time).


Since my friend developed symptoms, we were seized by great anxiety and fear as we had two lovely cats at home and we had no idea what would happen to them. After repeated confirmation with the residential committee and CDC that they would not perform disinfection in my house without our presence, and consultation with infected families with pets and the vets, we decided it would be safer to let the cats stay at home, with sufficient food and water provided.


When the cats’ problem solved and absence from work granted, we felt much better. We ate well, slept well and drank a lot of water, and the symptoms, as is said, would generally improve in 3-5 days. On the day of transfer, I was already able to climb up to the fourth floor with two suitcases full.


As to the place to be transferred to, it was pretty much like opening a mystery box. At the peak of the epidemic, all the mobile cabin hospitals were full, and we thought we would probably be transferred to some temporary quarantine facility.


My friend was arranged in a single hotel room, the best place for recovery, but three days later, she was re-transferred to a container cabin hospital. We understand that hotel rooms should be reserved for families with young children or old people in poor health conditions, but the container space was so poorly ventilated and suffocating, with potential leakage during rainy days.


I was transferred to a school in Chunshen Creative Park in Minhang District, which was transformed into a temporary quarantine facility with interior decoration unfinished. I’d say, the school, was very suitable for quarantine, with bright classrooms, generous outdoor activity spaces, and sufficient toilets on each floor. The shower rooms, anyway, had to be set up temporarily.


Due to tight time schedule allowed for the transformation, a lot of infrastructure had not been completed, and water and electricity supplies were cut off frequently and the mobile phone signal was very weak. The elevators were also not functioning, and many elderly people had great difficulty climbing up and down the stairs, or even going to the toilet.


Some elderly people and patients in serious conditions applied for re-transfer to a mobile cabin hospital of better conditions, but had to wait for days before approval. During this critical time, any mess or negligence in management could mean disasters for them.


Four days after arrival at the quarantine facility, I started feeling depressed. Above all, I was in very low spirit without good sleep at night, and my antibody tests showed two bars all the time that I started to worry when this was gonna end.


Besides, management there was in a mess with delayed swab tests at an interval of every one or even two days, absence of medical staff on site, ill-informed management staff and the shortage of supplies. Moreover, I learnt that there were even misdiagnosed patients and those tested positive after recovery. Gradually, I realized that I had to change mind and rely on my own.


On the evening of April 21, my antigen test turned negative. I continued to eat and drink more water, and work out and read books on my favorite rooftop.


On April 22, my friend was discharged from the cabin hospital, and I no longer worried about the safety of my cats alone at home. Feeling much better, I continued to make complaints about our delayed swab tests, supply shortage and hygiene issues at our quarantine site through various means. My friends and colleagues all gave me a lot of comfort and support. More and more patients joined the complaint, with the same goal in mind: to be negative and get out of here quickly!


On the evening of April 25, a patient “turmoil” rose, and policemen came. The whole thing started when some patients who had been tested negative twice could not be approved to leave the site. They were denied for discharge because the interval of the tests was more than 48 hours (completely caused by the poor scheduling as we all know the official practice is one swab test on a daily basis, as many properly managed cabin hospitals do).


So starting from April 26, swab tests were conducted on a daily basis. This was a not-so-positive but good outcome: with concerted efforts, the complaint worked anyway!


At 6:00 a.m. on April 27, my birthday, I got my second negative test result, happy and feeling like a new born.


We had much to complain during the epidemic about various sorts of unreasonable policies. But the quarantine has by no means compromised my love for the city, with so much support from friends, colleagues, neighbors and strangers all around me.


Team members of the project are like family members. They cared about me every day and gave me a lot of rational suggestions and emotional support despite their heavy workload. That made me feel like crying many times, love ya!


On May 5, the beginning of summer, my seven-day home-based isolation ended. I walked down stairs in the community, where new flowers were blooming. The community was noisy as always but everything seemed more than pleasant after my life returned to normal. Hope complete freedom will come to all of us this summer.


Felt the sense of responsibility and vitality spontaneously bursting from community level in my late period of pregnancy——Huang Lili


I got the permission to work from home at the end of March, and the official lockdown started from April 1. So I have already stayed at home for a whole month. My emotion was like a roller coaster in the past month, going up and down and finally bottoming out recently. Seeing the logistics and supply services slowly coming back on the track, my anxious heart is gradually eased.


I’ve always been a person who likes stocking things. Before the lockdown, I spent two days purchasing foods and basic essentials. The fridge, cupboard and even the cabinet in the doorway were crammed with the things I brought, which were able to sustain us for two weeks with our diet habit unchanged. Other family members considered this as overaction: “as the announcement says, it’s a five-day lockdown, and in a metropolis like Shanghai, it will last for a week at most”.


However, we ran out of vegetables a week later, and positive cases suddenly popped out in our residential community which had been full-negative in early tests. We did not know when the lockdown would be lifted, and had to get up early to buy necessities, which were always out of stock, in the Freshhema and Dingdong apps. We were drowning in the sea of information, with all sorts of messages (or rumors) from different chat groups, counter-rumors from the authorities, and daily updates indicating that new cases were increasing and reached over 10,000 cases.


As everyone began to speculate what would happen in the future, contribute to public opinion supervision, and complain about supply shortage, I started to feel anxious too. As vegetables were unattainable, we had to take dry-processed kelps and mushrooms instead, and with shortage of milk and eggs, we had to cut consumption and food variety. As a result, I lost weight in my late period of pregnancy, which made me even more anxious.


When it came to mid-April, we stopped just waiting for materials distributed by the community and organized bulk-buying on our own, through which I bought three packs of vegetables, a box of oranges and three portions of chicken. I almost burst into tears at the sight of these things. I have been told since I was a kid that we were lucky to live in a time where people no longer starved, but who would have thought that I would experience the panic of starvation in my 30’s in a first-tier city of our country.


Regular Work Schedule Helps Fix Biological Clock Disorder and Maintain Social Connection:In the first week of working from home, I lost the sense of time without the urgency of commuting. Working and having meals were the only things I did for the entire day, and I hardly got hungry with most of the time sitting at home. I could only get a break when eating and washing dishes, without any aims and drives.


Later our work group decided to have daily morning meeting at 9:00 and evening meeting at 7:30, from which I finally recovered my pace of life. In the morning, we chatted with each other via video to refresh our minds and exchange information about the situation of everyone’s district. From this we knew that different residential communities actually dealt with works like transfer of infected people, materials supply, and nucleic acid test, in quite different ways, which we called “community self-management”. I also developed again the sense of deadline by taking assignment at the morning meeting and attending the discussion at the evening meeting.


Another episode impressed me was that, once when we were in the middle of meeting, Weiss(Partner,managing gmp’s branch in Shanghai) suddenly said “wait a minute” and went to turn off her gas stove, because, as she explained, the boiling soup spilled over. It hit me all of a sudden that things I saw from the 2D image of video was actually the 3D life of other people.


The community where I live used to be the housing area allocated to workers of the old shipbuilding factory, so most of my neighbors are senior citizens and know each other well. As a young family moving in later, we shared the same space with our neighbors but knew nothing about them.


It was after the lockdown that I got a chance to know them via the residents’ chat group: our bulk-buying organizer, a 66-year-old retiree, is a marathon enthusiast and can organize bulk-buying neat and tidy; the silver-haired grandpa, who can actively places orders in the chat group; the volunteer “girl”, who looks thin and weak but is capable to distribute the supplies efficiently and orderly; and other neighbors, who had offered me medicine as soon as they learnt from the chat group that I was short of medication and could not get in touch with the community hospital.


From them, I felt the sense of responsibility and vitality spontaneously bursting from community level. This is a true aspect of Shanghai that might be ignored by people in normal days.


Another thing that has brightened up my lockdown life is a turtledove family. I first noticed them outside of my window and started to feed them occasionally since then. I was proud of my good deed until I realized I was not the only one that did so. Those little creatures were in fact the pets of all the residents in the building.


Every time when I heard them cooing outside, my mext-door neighbors and I would open the windows to see which was the lucky one to have the privilege of feeding them. It dawns on me that I, the one who spent a little time at home before the lockdown, was a mere passenger to my home, whereas the turtledoves were the faithful visitors to my flowerbed.


Flowers bloomed and withered in April, and spring came and left following the nature’s course. The sorrows and joys of a person have no impact on this big world. So just take a break and have a look at the views outside your window.


On Chongming Island,Chasing toads in a field full of beans with my child——Zhao Mengtong


I live in a natural village established more than 40 years ago. The village has a total of more than 1,000 people, pided into 18 brigades. Our brigade has 70 members, 20 of whom are over 70 years old. They don’t use smartphones, and those in the 50s and 60s shoulder the major responsibility of coordinating supplies and conveying messages as young people account for a very small proportion in the village.


However, in this self-governed community, where a closely related network of relatives and neighbors is established, villagers are informed of swab tests, material supplies, etc. on a timely basis through very conventional ways such as phone calls and door-to-door notification. Fortunately, the virus was way too busy to lay a hand on this village, so life here remained basically undisturbed. Otherwise, this aging village, so vulnerable like an isolated island, would have suffered a complete collapse of its entire ecology.


Anyway, I think I’ve been lucky enough, with the freedom of mobility and abundance in fresh vegetables. With roosters and ducks waking me up in the morning, and crickets singing me to sleep, I simply returned to the most primitive way of life. Without enough trousers to wear, my family made two wrap skirts for me with some homespun fabric stored for decades. Life continued like this for a month.


But one day my child had her finger injured and soon the wound festered. We had to climbed over the fences at the village entrance and the overpass, and took her to a remote relative to dress up the wound; the second time we took her there to change the dressing, we found the overpass fence reinforced, so we had to sneak through the highway isolation belt and secretly hid behind the bushes from the patrolling police cars.

栅栏从来不是个正面的元素, 1989年谢尔斯堡惨案中,栅栏阻碍了人员疏散,导致了踩踏,栅栏在30年间逐渐废除,新时代的场馆主张无(弱)栅栏设计,一旦管理和救济的能力无法跟上灾难蔓延的趋势,应该为人们提供多方向疏散自由以及自救的空间。

Fences are by no means a positive symbol. The Hillsborough tragedy in 1989 saw fences obstructing evacuation and causing stampede. Afterwards, fences were gradually dismantled over the next 30 years. Nowadays, fenceless (minimum fence) design is much encouraged for new venues, which should provide free evacuation in all directions and help people save themselves if management and relief capacities fail to contain the spread of the disaster.


Urban management during disasters should center on the most basic needs of people, such as sunshine and ventilation, basic food supply, medicine and nursing for patients, care for the old, weak, ill and disabled, reasonable density of people in public spaces, and mental health of the public. Otherwise, secondary impacts will surpass the harm of the epidemic itself.


Work was also busy during the epidemic. By the end of April, we were to complete a competition for a musical building. The online bidding required intensive discussions and timely and efficient communication. Those who lived alone had to spent half their energy dealing with daily housework routines; those who lived with their family had to carry out discussion drown in the singing of their children; those who volunteered to work for the community had to spare the daytime for the distribution of supplies and antigen test strips and work late at night.


Everyone tried their best to adapt to the rhythm of the team and facilitate smooth design progress, like a grand chorus of different instruments. Emotional release at this time is more than important. We made complaints while encouraging each other to achieve mental balance, and it was great to listen to each other!


Broad beans bloomed in April and bore fruit in May. After dinner, while chasing toads in the bean fields with my kid, I started thinking about hugging and having a picnic with my colleagues, but still, feeling reluctant to give up the great time of reunion with my family.


As an architect, helped draw a complete community map with house numbers and street names——Wang Shiyun


Long been used to living on takeout, I had barely spent any time buying fresh food or cooking for myself until they were turned into the main topic of my conversation with friends and the most time-consuming routine of my life besides work in the epidemic. At first, I was in hurry-scurry arranging and storing vegetables in the fridge.


Then I started growing vegetables in water, and watering them became first thing in the morning. But the carefully stored vegetables still started rotting, same with tomatoes and potatoes, which, as I had been told, could be stored in cool places for a long time. Fortunately, my mother taught me to cook vegetables and steam tomatoes before sealed storage, and in this way, I managed to store them for longer. My cooking time gradually reduced from 1 or 2 hours to about half an hour, and my cooking skills such as stir-frying, braising and stewing improved marvelously.


Never before had I thought that making delicious food could be so easy, and I even learned to make rice cakes. Our topic of discussion with friends soon switched to the food we eat and the photos of the dishes we made, and our different time to dine. Great moments of the day seemed all about cooking and eating. I even decided and told my friend that, when the epidemic is over, I would continue to cook for myself and quit eating outside.


What had hardly been noticed before the epidemic was suddenly brought to the spotlight of our life. Envious of the abundantly supplied Xuhui District, which unfortunately is only 20 meters away from where I live, I jokingly told my friend that our Huangpu District, with a per capita rate of infection close to that of New York, might probably be the last one in Shanghai to lift lockdown.


The situation here became so serious that residents had to do something. At first, we had no idea about which buildings had infected people and there was no response from the community committee. One day, a member in our bulk-buying group offered us a detailed form with addresses and transfer information of the infected people, all made by herself. The form was so clear and concise in design, that I, as a designer, felt ashamed of myself. Later, I contacted her and offered to draw a map of the community. The community layout was rather complex with many street names and numbers, and available fire evacuation map in the community was not detailed with only some simple numbers of front and rear doors.


In order to get accurate information without going out, some group members provided hand sketches, and others even brought me an original master plan before Shanghai’s liberation in 1949. With these as well as Baidu map and the fire map, we managed to complete the community map with detailed house numbers and street names. Even today thanks keep coming from unacquainted neighbors in the group, which is very heart warming. That my small efforts as a designer were responded with so much gratitude makes it all worthwhile.


Then I organized bread purchases for a group of more than 80 people. As the community committee was short of hand, there were not enough volunteers to distribute and deliver bulk-buying goods, so naturally all these tasks fell to the group leaders. Every time I distributed the supplies, I would specify different zones and assign a member of the group to each zone as a volunteer to distribute the supplies in order to avoid the gathering of people.


Then I organized bread purchases for a group of more than 80 people. As the community committee was short of hand, there were not enough volunteers to distribute and deliver bulk-buying goods, so naturally all these tasks fell to the group leaders. Every time I distributed the supplies, I would specify different zones and assign a member of the group to each zone as a volunteer to distribute the supplies in order to avoid the gathering of people.


As the community committee was too busy to inform people about the details, when things were executed, everyone was confused and conflicts naturally arose. A bulk-buying of bread was by no means easy, not to mention so many chores that the committee had to deal with every day.


I would always shun my neighbors, but this time, I was truly impressed by their kindness. One day, when I was ready to hang out the washed bed sheets and quilt covers, the rod broke. I asked for help in the group and immediately heard a knock on the door. It was my neighbor, who brought a spare rod for me. During the bread purchase, I made acquaintances with several kind neighbors. We would greet each other in the morning, asking whether the swab test is done, and whether there were many people queuing.


One night, in the group chat, some old residents started relating with each other and remembering the old days when they bought the house at the price of two large yellow croakers, the old store names along Middle Huaihai Road, their favorite cakes manufactured by Haerbin Food Factory, the interconnected fireplaces of households, and interior house renovation by the house renovation bureau in the 1980’s. I was quite absorbed in their conversations.


At some sleepless nights, I heard faint singing through the open window at two o’clock, and everything seemed alive. That was fantastic.


Working from home was far more difficult than we had thought. More time had to be spent on cooking, washing, and buying food online than simply ordering takeout. The temperature and air moisture, and all the noises outside the window made it harder for me to concentrate.


That made me realize that, in addition to computers, desks and chairs, the entire workplace conditions including temperature and moisture, light, noise and even water, coffee and fruit supplies constitute an indispensable part of our office environment that could affect work efficiency.


With constant interruption by the swab tests, disinfection and many other interference during the daytime, I found myself more concentrated at night, so I worked while listening to the music at night, as another way of relaxation.

如果有什么能让上海疫情雨过天晴,我相信是居民的坚韧与高度自适应性——RJ Tripodi

If there is a silver lining to this lockdown it is in this. It is in the affirmation that the people of Shanghai are resilient and adaptive——RJ Tripodi


Having skirted the initial paralysis the rest of the world faced when Covid first started spreading around two years ago, we here in Shanghai have had plenty of time to collect data and anticipate what being in lockdown would be like.


I remember over these past two years listening to podcasts about musicians producing three albums in their first Covid year, another two during their next year. Artists making entire bodies of work, filling four solo shows during a stuck-at-home Covid quarantine.


I continue to read news from America about workers who after returning to their former jobs, have filed complaints against their employers lobbying against returning to work. They say working from home was more productive, more efficient, and in some cases even more profitable than when working in their former offices. I ask, where is our great silver lining to this lockdown?


For many of us in Shanghai, time during the first two weeks of quarantine was split between monitoring the chaos of what befell our neighbors, or in less fortunate circumstances, befell ourselves, and time spent pushing through a semblance of our daily work routines. The days began by remotely logging onto our office computers, fighting off home distractions during the daytime, and then signing off at night whenever the work was “finished.”


I remember most nights finishing work with just enough time to cook dinner, eat, wash everything, and get ready to go to sleep. It was not the work that was draining away time, it was the time spent hunting for Tuango groups to help us make basic food purchases that was wasting time, energy, and of course, money.


As the quarantine slipped into the third week we were in a blurred state of time, the blunders by the local authorities managing the Covid outbreak became less sever while self-organization took shape across neighborhoods as people began looking out for each other to secure food and necessities.


If there is a silver lining to this lockdown it is in this. It is in the affirmation that the people of Shanghai are resilient and adaptive, that your neighbors will lend out a helping hand when you are in need.





众所周知,牛津Conditional offer条件是A-level成绩A*A*A - AAA,IB成绩38–40分,取决于所选课程的不同,具体成绩要求也各不相同。而剑桥多数科学课程的A-level要求是A*A*A,艺术人文A*AA,IB成绩40–42分。部分专业有特定科目要求,尤其是剑桥的科学专业,科目要求学院和学院之间可能有所不同。这两所院校都是英国乃至于世界上的顶尖高校,学校在收到申请材料后,还会对学生进行面试进一步筛选,再做决定是否给学生offer。












牛津大学副校长Louise Richardson教授本月早些时候告诉学生,Lecture和其他大型小组教学将在线进行,但较小的教学小组将与导师面对面进行授课。











  • Why is water so important to life? 为什么水对生命的如此重要?
  • If you could save either the rainforests or the coral reefs, which would you choose? 如果你能在热带雨林和珊瑚群中拯救一个,你会选哪个?
  • Here is a piece of bark, please talk about it. 讲一讲树皮
  • Here’s a cactus. Tell me about it. 讲一讲仙人掌
  • Why do some habitats support higher biopersity than others? 为什么有些地方能够支撑更高的生物多样性,有些不能?
  • Why don't most herbivores have green fur? 为什么大多数食草动物不是绿毛的?
  • What percentage of the world's water is in a cow? 世界上百分之多少的水在奶牛身上?
  • Why are there so few large predators? 为什么食肉动物很少有大体型的?
  • Tell me about a banana. 讲一讲香蕉
  • Why do many animals have stripes? 为什么很多动物身上有条纹?
  • Is it easier for organisms to live in the sea or on land? 有机物更适合生存于陆地还是海洋?
  • Why do lions have manes? 为什么狮子有鬃毛?
  • Ladybirds are red. So are strawberries. Why? 瓢虫和草莓都是红色的,为什么?
  • Would it matter if tigers became extinct? 老虎灭绝会怎么样?
  • Why is there salt in the sea? 为什么海洋中有盐?
  • How do amino acids behave in both acidic and basic conditions? 为什么氨基酸在酸性和基本条件下都有活性?
  • What is the significance of the human genome project? 人类基因组计划有什么意义?
  • How does DNA fingerprinting work? What is its use? 基因指纹是什么原理,有什么用?
  • Why are there so many steps in the cascade of reactions?
  • How do you tell if a protein codes for a transmembrane protein? 如何辨别跨膜蛋白序列?
  • Why are there only twenty amino acids? 只有20种氨基酸吗?
  • What shape are bacteria and why? 细菌是什么形状的,为什么?
  • What is the concentration of water? 水的浓度是多少?
  • What problems do fish face underwater? 鱼在水下有什么问题?
  • Why does an egg rot? 为什么鸡蛋会腐烂?
  • Why can’t humans live forever? 为什么人类不能永生?
  • Comment on a population pyramid. 评价人口金字塔
  • Is shopping the new religion? 购物是新的宗教吗?
  • What does George Bush have in common with a monkey? How can you see they are related? 小布什和猴子的共同点是什么?你认为他们有什么联系?
  • How could you tell how long a disease had been prevalent in an area 如何判断一种病在某地区流行了多久?
  • Tell me about this log 描述木头
  • If a brain was placed in front of you, how would you describe it? 如何描述一个大脑
  • If you were a virus, how would you communicate your opinions to me? 如果你是你个病毒,你如何向我表达观点?
  • Why do leaves have their stomata on the lower surface? 为什么叶子的气孔在下面?
  • Why don’t animals have wheels? 为什么动物没有长出轮子?
  • How can you tell how genetically identical the inpiduals of a species are? 如何判断同一物种两个个体的基因一致性?
  • What evidence is there to suggest that humans are still evolving? 人类正在持续进化的证据是什么?
  • Can you design an experiment to test the effect of bird faeces on lichen growth? 设计一个测验鸟粪和青苔类植物生长关系的实验?
  • Why is it that everyone regards Darwin as such a great man? 为什么达尔文是个伟大的科学家?
  • Explain the differences between bacteria and viruses. 解释细菌和病毒的区别。
  • How would you test to see if a rat could tell red from blue? 如何测试一只老鼠是否能够分辨蓝色和红色?
  • How has the human diet changed in the last three decades and why? 人类的饮食在过去30年发生了什么变化,为什么?
  • What would you define as a species? 如何定义一个物种?
  • Give me an example of how specialist biological knowledge has helped food production. 举一个生物知识对食物生产做出贡献的例子。
  • Why is there a higher probability of being killed by an asteroid collision than by a heart attack? 被小行星撞击和心脏病突发哪一个致死率更高?
  • What kind of changes would occur to the environment if a large asteroid impacted earth? 小行星撞击地球会引起什么环境变化?
  • What are the arguments for preserving biopersity? 为什么要保持生物多样性?
  • What makes drugs physiologically active? 药物为什么起效?
  • What would you do if I were a Magpie? 如果我是一只喜鹊你会做什么?
  • How many animals did Moses take on the arc? 摩西带领多少动物上了方舟?
  • If a carrot can grow form one carrot cell, why not a human? 如果萝卜能够从一个细胞发展成一个个体,为什么人不行?
  • Discuss ways in which plants are adapted to dry conditions. 讨论植物如何适应干燥缺水环境。
  • Why are big, fierce animals so rare? 为什么没有巨型凶横动物?
  • How does the immune system recognise invading pathogens as foreign cells? 免疫系统如何识别入侵病原体?
  • Describe a potato and then compare it to an onion. 形容一只土豆,并与洋葱比较。
  • is it possible to grow mushrooms in the bathroom 有可能在浴室种蘑菇吗?
  • for which disease do you think it is an advantage to be a carrier of cystic fibrosis? 携带囊肿性纤维化在你得什么病的时候会成为一个好处?
  • If I said that when I tossed this coin and every time it said heads you have to give me 50p but every time it showed a tails I give you a pound, how many times would you let me flip it and the coin show heads in a row before you would stop playing the game? 抛一枚硬币,每次正面你给我五毛,反面我给你一元,我连续抛几次正面你会叫停这个游戏?
  • The viruses that infect us are totally dependent on human cells for their reproduction; is it therefore surprising that viruses cause human diseases? 细菌通过人类细胞繁殖,那么为什么他们要使我们的病呢?
  • Explain how a perm works 卷发棒工作原理是什么?


  • They asked me what I'd been doing recently [in chemistry] (ie what do you want to talk about). I said looking at links between physical and organic - using kinetics to determine mechanisms etc. They rather liked equilibria - so I had to come up with an organic equilibrium - esterfication. Had to draw its mechanism and the hydrolsis mechanism. Found this quite hard becuase I did IB which has very little organic chemistry.
  • Then they threw a periodic table with only 6 periods at me. Had to draw some Lewis structures of various molecules, speculate that the element with three valence electrons would be the basis for life in this universe and then deduced that life would then be flat - formation of triganol planar molecules rather than tetrahedral.
  • Last bit was on a Pressure/Volume phase diagram, included in the IB syllabus but not on the A-Level so I found this quite easy without the interviewers knowing how. Had to discuss the triple point, which area was which phase and some of the unique properties of water linked to this.
  • How many molecules there were in the glass of water on the table?
  • Visualisation of 3D molecular models when given a molecular formula. In addition, rotation, and symmetry of 3D models.
  • Why does the boiling point of water rise as salt is dissolved in it?
  • What makes drugs physiologically active?
  • Explain the bonding in benzene.
  • Shown a block of iron. Asked to name it, explain why it rusts, how to stop it rusting.
  • Why is there salt in the sea?
  • What is the concentration of water?
  • Why is life X enantiomer-based rather than Y?
  • How many atoms are there in a brussel sprout?
  • What makes some chemicals explosive?
  • How would you measure pH if I told you how many hydrogen ions there were?
  • How does a glow-stick work?
  • Tell me about these eggs?
  • Tell me about your life, from the beginning to what made you sit in that chair
  • Derive a Henderson equation.
  • What is ‘turning you on’ in chemistry at the moment?
  • How many molecules there were in the glass of water on the table?
  • How would you measure pH of a solution if I told you how many hydrogen ions there were in it?
  • Why do you think chemistry will change your life and the life of those around you?
  • Why does the boiling point of water rise as salt is dissolved in it?
  • Explain the bonding in benzene.
  • Write down an organic reaction you have studied at school and explain its mechanism.
  • Why don’t fish freeze?
  • A container with liquid nitrogen is left in a laboratory, and its temperature is being recorded over a long period. The recorded temperature shows variations. Why?
  • How many grains of sand are there in the world?
  • How many different molecules can be made from six carbon atoms and twelve hydrogen atoms?


PPE是牛津大学各大专业中堪称最难录取和毕业的专业。PPE(Politics政治, Philosophy哲学 and Economics经济)属于牛津独创的复合型专业,几十位英国首相曾毕业于此专业。让我们来看看PPE的最难面试题。


  • Is there essentially any difference between taxation and the state taking away one of your arms? 在国家向你征税和取走你的一条胳膊之间,有什么本质区别?
  • Do you really consent to any government given that there is barely anywhere in the world to escape some government or other?
  • Put a monetary value on this teapot? 评估一只茶壶的价值
  • If you’re not in California, how do you know it exists? 如果你不在加州,你如何确定它真的存在?
  • Is it a matter of fact or knowledge that time travels in only one direction? 时间只是单向流动的吗?
  • Differentiate between power and authority. 权利和权威之间有什么区别?
  • Why do we need government? 为什么我们需要政府?
  • Would it be feasible to have an economy entirely based on the service sector? 如果经济全部依赖于第三产业会如何?
  • Do you believe in free will? How far does it extend to - an oyster, for example? 你相信有自由意志吗?所有东西都有吗,比如一只生蚝有吗?
  • Are you cool? 你酷吗?
  • If there were three beautiful, naked women standing in front of you, which one would you pick? Does this have any relevance to economics? 如果有三个漂亮的luo女站在你面前,你会挑哪个?这和经济有关吗?
  • What have you enjoyed most about your A Level Economics course? 你最喜欢Alevel经济课的哪方面?
  • Do animals think? 动物会思考吗?
  • How do you measure the success of a political voting system? 如何衡量投票制度的成功与否?
  • If a Martian drops money across the country, does inflation go up? 如果火星人全国撒钱,通货会膨胀吗?
  • Convince me you are real and not just in my dreams? 说服我你是一个真人,而不是在我梦里。
  • When I was at school in the 1970s, there was talk of a pensions crisis that would one day hit. The talk persisted in the 1980s, and the 1990s – and then there was a pensions crisis, and little had been done politically to prepare us for it. Is there a fault with the British political system that means we can't sensibly address serious medium and long-term problems when they are identified? 当我在70年代上学时,就有关于养老金危机的传言,一直持续到80、90年代,它真的发生了,我们却准备的非常少。你认为英国的政治体系是不是有严重问题,导致我们不能解决已经提前预见的中远期问题?
  • I'm having trouble with the meaning of three words: Lie, Deceive, Mislead. They seem to mean something a bit similar, but not exactly the same. Help me to sort them out from each other. 我难以区分这几个词:谎言,欺骗,误导。他们看起来很类似,但不完全相同,请帮我区分它们。
  • is it possible for a society to exist in which everyone lies all the time? why? 如果有一个社会所有人任何时候都撒谎,这个社会会存在吗?为什么?
  • define 'cruelty' 定义“残忍”。
  • of all nineteenth century politicians which was most like Tony Blair?
  • would you describe the following as 'traditional British values'? drinking tea, eating roast beef and hitting school children.
  • what do you think of gay couples adopting?
  • What exactly do you think is involved in blaming someone? ‘究责于某人’这件事涉及哪些方面?
  • a person with 50 k is rich. a person with n pounds is rich and a person with n-1 pounds is also rich. so a person with 1 pound is rich. I then had to falsify I. 如果有5万英镑是富裕的,那么比他少1镑也可以认为是富裕的,以此类推,何时才算贫穷?
  • think of a question that you have prepared an answer to, ask yourself the question and show us how you would answer it in a logical fashion 自己问自己一个准备的问题,然后讲出准备好的答案,让我们看到逻辑的魅力。


  • What is the point of using NHS money to keep old people alive? 用国家医保的钱赡养老人的意义在哪里?
  • What would you say if Gordon Brown were to take a report which shows that people who go to university earn more than those who do not, and then proclaim that going to university causes you to earn more? 如果调查显示大学毕业生收入高于未读大学的人,证明大学使人收入增加。你如何看?
  • Should governments subsidise agriculture? 国家是否应该补贴农业?
  • What are the consequences of changing interest rates? 改变银行利息有什么后果?
  • What is the point of privatisation? 私有化的意义是什么?
  • How would you make a hypothetical sandwich stall more profitable? 如何让一个假设的三明治摊子增加利润?
  • What is a monopoly? What are the advantages and disadvantages? 垄断是什么?有什么好处和坏处?
  • If the government passed a law requiring people to wear seatbelts, why might this result in more road accident casualties? 如果政府通过法案规定所有人系安全带,为什么这可能导致车祸死亡率上升?
  • define 'greed' 定义贪婪
  • distance from London to new York, work out 计算伦敦到纽约的距离
  • tell me why playing your sport will make you a better economist 解释为什么你参与的运动会有助于你成为更好的经济学家?
  • why do Ryan air try and sell tickets for Dublin day passes on flights into London Stansted? 为什么廉价航空出售伦敦Stansted机场和都柏林之间的日票(一日内畅飞)?


  • How would you market a rock band? 如何营销一支摇滚乐队?
  • Consider a production line. What could be done to help the worker to get away from the routine? 如何让流水线上的工人避免重复劳作?
  • Are large or small companies more successful? 小公司还是大公司更成功?
  • Why do Rolls-Royce build cars by hand, and Toyota by machine? 为什么劳斯莱斯手工造车,而丰田使用流水线?
  • What is the basis of performance related pay? 按表现支付薪水的基础原理是什么?
  • Are there too many people in the world? 地球上的人太多了吗?
  • Explain why teachers might be changing jobs to become plumbers. 为什么老师可能跳槽去做水管工?
  • What is the difference between buying and selling of slaves and the buying and selling of football players? 买卖奴隶和买卖足球队员(转会)有什么区别?
  • Would I be justified in saying that only morons play sport? 如果我说只有傻瓜才运动(竞技类),你认同吗?为什么?
  • Why is a film actor wealthier than a theatre actor? 为什么电影演员比剧院演员有钱?
  • I give you £100. You have to offer part of this £100 to someone. Unless they accept the offer, you get nothing. How much will you offer? 如果我给你100镑,而你必须给其他人其中的一部分,并使我同意你的方案,不然你讲得不到一分钱。你会如何分配?
  • Why is deflation a scare to the UK? 为什么通货紧缩不好?
  • Would you support the privatisation of the NHS? 你认同社会医保的私有化吗?
  • A girl in a small town wishes to sell a painting – will she earn more revenue through sealed bids or raffle tickets? 一个小镇姑娘要卖一副油画,封闭出价和抽奖券两种方式,哪种会使她赚到更多钱?
  • What is a public good? 什么是公共物品?
  • Summarise Economics into one word 用一个词语概括经济学。
  • What’s the difference between a correlation and a cause and effect relationship? “有关”和“因果”有什么差别?
  • Why do firms exist? 为什么公司会存在?
  • If a petrol station, on a road, is equal distant from two towns, where should the next petrol station be built? 如果一个加油站离两个最近的小镇等距离,那么下一个加油站应该建在哪里?
  • What is the biggest problem facing CEO’s? 首席执行官(总裁)面临的最大问题是什么?
  • Should a Wal-Mart store be opened in the middle of Cambridge? 剑桥镇的中心应该开一家沃尔玛吗?
  • management: what would you do to overcome the language and cultural difficulties after merger? 公司合并后如何克服语言或文化上的障碍?




计算机科学Computer Science,作为最正统的计算机专业,也是华人和印度人的兵家必争之地。开动你的逻辑头脑和数据分析能力,回答以下问题:

  • Tell me about binary searches. What about their efficiency?
  • Algebraic references with respect to summation formulae and proofs by induction.
  • It is a fact that, apart from the peripherals, the whole of a computer can be made from NAND gates. The Egyptians created NAND gates using marbles rolling down shutes and used the them for booby trapping pyramids. Did, then, the Egyptians invent the computer? If not, explain fundamentally why not.
  • The game of chess will be played perfectly by the computers of 2010. What is the meaning of this statement and is it likely to be true?
  • Why is the pole vaulting world record about 6.5m, and why can’t it be broken?
  • How would you ensure security between two people, A and B?
  • What happens when light has to pass through a medium denser than air?
  • What is the one fundamental difference between a spreadsheet and a database? Surely both hold information, so perhaps there is no fundamental difference?
  • Why is the number 2.7182818… used in mathematics?
  • Explain the principle of the global positioning system (GPS). What factors contribute to its accuracy?
  • How do pirates pide their treasure? A group of 7 pirates has 100 gold coins. They have to decide amongst themselves how to pide the treasure, but must abide by pirate rules: 1) The most senior pirate proposes the pision. 2) All of the pirates (including the most senior) vote on the decision. if half or more vote for the pision, it stands. If less than half vote for it, they throw the most senior pirate overboard and start again. 3) The pirates are perfectly logical, and entirely ruthless (only caring about maximizing their own share of the gold). so what pision should the most senior pirate suggest to the other six?
  • Tidy boxes. You are given 10 boxes, each large enough to contain exactly 10 wooden building blocks, and a total of 100 blocks in 10 different colours. There may not be the same number in each colour, so you may not be able to pack the blocks into the boxes in such a way that each box contains only one colour of block. Show that it is possible to do it so that each box contains at most two different colours.
  • Searching for the maximum. The real-valued function f(x), defined for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, has a single maximum atx = m. If 0 ≤ u < v ≤ m then f(u) < f(v), and if m ≤ u < v ≤ 1 then f(u) > f(v). You are told nothing else about f, but you may ask for the value of f(x) for any values of x you choose. How would you find the approximate value of m? How accurately could you find m if you could choose only 10 values of x for which to evaluate f(x)?
  • Death by chocolate. You are locked in a room with your worst enemy. On a table in the centre of the room is a bar of chocolate, pided into squares in the usual way. One square of the chocolate is painted with a bright green paint that contains a deadly nerve poison. You and your enemy take it in turns to break off one or more squares from the remaining chocolate (along a straight line) and eat them. Whoever is left with the green square must eat it and die in agony. You may look at the bar of chocolate and then decide whether to go first or second. Describe your strategy.
  • Monkey beans. An urn contains 23 white beans and 34 black beans. A monkey takes out two beans; if they are the same, he puts a black bean into the urn, and if they are different, he puts in a white bean from a large heap he has next to him. The monkey repeats this procedure until there is only one bean left. What colour is it?
  • Lily-pad lunacy. Eleven lily pads are numbered from 0 to 10. A frog starts on pad 0 and wants to get to pad 10. At each jump, the frog can move forward by one or two pads, so there are many ways it can get to pad 10. For example, it can make 10 jumps of one pad, 1111111111, or five jumps of two pads, 22222, or go 221212 or 221122, and so on. We'll call each of these ways different, even if the frog takes the same jumps in a different order. How many different ways are there of getting from 0 to 10?
  • Missing numbers. Imagine you are given a list of slightly less than 1,000,000 numbers, all different, and each between 0 and 999,999 inclusive. How could you find (in a reasonable time) a number between 0 and 999,999 that is not on the list?
  • Scribble. The game of Scribble is played with an inexhaustible supply of tiles, and consists of forming 'words' according to certain rules. Since each tile bears one of the letters P, Q, or R, these are not words that will be found in an ordinary dictionary. The game begins with the word PQ on the board; each move consists of applying one of the following rules:
    • If the word on the board is Px, for some shorter word x, you may change it to Pxx. For example, if the word is PQRRQ then you may change it to PQRRQQRRQ.
    • If the word on the board is xQQQy, for some shorter words x and y, then you may change it to xRy, replacing the sequence QQQ with a single R.
    • If the word on the board is xRRy, for some shorter words x and y, then you may change it toxy, deleting the sequence RR entirely.
    • (i) For each of the following words, say whether you can make it or not by following the rules of the game:QPR, PQQ, PQR, PR. (ii) Given any word, how can you decide whether it can be made or not?





  • Is the chair really there? 这把椅子真的存在吗?
  • If you were to form a government of philosophers what selection process would you use? 如果由哲学家组成政府,你会使用什么样的选举制度?
  • Is it moral to hook up a psychopath (whose only pleasure is killing) to a reality-simulating machine so that he can believe he is in the real world and kill as much as he likes? 如果将一个杀人狂接入一个虚拟世界,让它在其中大开杀戒,如此做符合道德吗?
  • if I could pass any piece of legislation through parliament, what would it be? 如果你可以通过一项法案,你想通过什么?
  • what about fatalism? 谈一谈宿命论
  • how do we know if 1 + 1 = 2 if the concept of numbers was in fact 'invented' by humans? 如果数字的概念不是人类发明的,我们如何得知1+1=2?
  • why do you think grandparents feel the need to academically surpass their children and grandchildren? 祖父祖母辈的学术水准应该超越他们的孙辈吗?


  • What is 'normal' for humans? 人类所谓的正常是什么?
  • Why do human beings have two eyes? 人类为什么有两只眼睛?
  • Should interview be used for selection? 面试应该作为录取的考核内容吗?
  • An experiment appears to suggest Welsh speakers are worse at remembering phone numbers than English speakers. Why? 有一项研究证明威尔士语使用者比英语使用者记电话号码能力更差,你认为为什么?
  • how would you conceptualise an emotion 如何构思一种情感?
  • A large study appears to show that older siblings consistently score higher than younger siblings on IQ tests? Why would this be? 有研究表明年长的兄弟姐妹比年幼的兄弟姐妹IQ测试分数更高,你认为是为什么?


  • Instead of politicians, why don't we let the managers of IKEA run the country? 为什么我们让政治家而不是宜家的经理管理国家?
  • Should obese people have free NHS treatment? 为什么肥胖的人应该得到免费的医保治疗?
  • What is Christmas? 圣诞节是什么?
  • How would you describe an apple? 你为什么会想吃苹果?
  • Does the welfare state trap people into poverty? 福利国家是否使贫民无法脱贫?
  • Distinguish between a society, a state and an economy? 区别社会、国家、经济体。
  • Should museums be free? 博物馆应该免费开放吗?
  • Do you like Birmingham? 你是否喜欢伯明翰(英国城市)?
  • is it better to be a leader or a follower? 成为一个领导者更好还是一个追随者?
  • can you think of a piece of governmental legislation that includes both compassionate and utilitarian aspects? 能否举一个既有功利主义又有慈悲心的法案?
  • show may we introduce feminism more effectively into business situations? 我们是否应该在商务场合倡导女性主义,为什么?
  • what TV I had watched recently 你最近看了哪些节目?
  • what would you do if you were in charge of the world? 如果你成为世界领导人,你要做什么?
  • where would you take a martian to show them British culture? 你会带火星人去哪里以展现英国文化?
  • why do the English like cricket so much? 为什么英国人热衷于板球运动?
  • do you think that the TV programme space cadets is morally right? 你认为《太空弹球》这个节目符合道德吗?
  • if I put you in the British library for 3 days, what books would you read? 如果要在大英图书馆呆三天,你想读什么书?






  • What are the main differences between the engines in jet fighters and the engines in jet airliners; which type of engine is the more efficient, and (qualitatively) why? 战斗机与民用科技的引擎有何区别,哪一个效率更高,为什么?量化你的回答。
  • How would you design a gravity dam for holding back water? 如何设计一个水坝?
  • What would happen if you drilled through the Earth all the way to the other side and then jumped into the hole? 如果你打了一个洞通道通向地球另一侧,并跳下去,会发生什么?
  • Why did they used to make the mill chimneys so tall? 为什么要将工厂烟囱设计得那么高?(tip: stack effect)
  • Explain the following to someone with no knowledge of physics: force, momentum, power, work. 向毫无物理知识的人解释:力,力矩,功率,功。
  • What are the fundamental differences between Engineering and Physics? 物理和工程有什么本质上的区别?
  • If you had a cylinder, sealed at both ends, with the pressure rising inside, would it blow at the end or split along the side first? 如果有个中空的管子两头封死,内部压强持续增大,它会两头先破还是管壁先破?
  • If I am in a room with 5 people and guess all their birthdays what is the probability of getting (only) one correct? 如果我向屋子里的5个人猜他们的生日,我猜对且只猜对一个人的生日的几率是多少?
  • Sketch a velocity time graph for a skyper jumping out of a plane. 画一张跳出飞机的跳伞人的速度与时间的变化图。
  • A rectangular sheet dimensions a x b is to be made into an open-topped box by cutting a square of side h from each corner and folding the 4 sides up. Find the value of h which allows the maximum volume of the box? 一张矩形a乘以b的纸,四个角割除边长为h的正方形以折成一个盒子,当h为多少时盒子的体积最大?
  • Show the forces acting on a ladder 画一个梯子的受力图
  • Why do sausages split lengthways, rather than around the circumference? 为什么香肠会更容易裂开而不是断开?
  • Talk about a light bulb 描述一个电灯泡
  • How small can you make a computer? What are the limiting factors? 计算机(电脑)可以做到多小?是什么限制了它的极限?
  • How do you think you could calculate the number of calories that you have burnt after you have gone for a run? 你跑步之后如何计算消耗了多少卡路里?
  • How does a fridge work? 冰箱的工作原理是什么?
  • they had a toy car and propelled it by attaching a blown up balloon and releasing it, they asked my question on how to increase the speed, the flow of the air and momentum. 通过一只气球放气来推动小车,如何增加速度,以及描述运动过程。
  • What challenges do you think you would be facing as a formula 1 engineer in 10 years time? 你认为F1赛车工程师10年后会面临什么问题?



  • A ball bearing is flying through space (vacuum and no overall gravitational field). It heads towards a doughnut, through it's centre and out the other side. Draw graphs of 1) speed versus time and 2) acceleration versus time.
  • Draw the graphs of y=1/x +x and y=7+3cos(2x+pi/2).
  • Describe a heat engine.
  • Draw graph of weight versus time for the following: 1) man stands on scale very gently and then gets off again very gently; 2) man jumps onto scales and then jumps off again; 3) man stands on scale and lets his knees unlock so that he drops, then stops. For each of these describe the reasoning behind the graph.
  • The wall of death fairground ride: it's spinning in a horizontal circle. Then the floor that people are standing on falls away. Calculate how fast it has to spin before the floor can fall away without the people dropping out given that : coefficient of friction=m and radius of the thing=r.
  • Derive an expression for the separation of fringes caused by Young's Double Slit apparatus.
  • Calculate (in algebraic terms) the change that will take place to the fringe pattern when a piece of glass is placed in front of one of the slits. Draw the new fringe pattern.
  • Various questions about changing the speed of electrons and particle accelerators, e.g. why do particle accelerators have to be so large. How do they work?
  • See a book called The Chicken from Minsk which has lots of great problems of the sort you need to be comfortable with.
  • If you leave the fridge turned on in a thermally isolated room, what happens to the room?
  • Why can’t you light a candle in a spaceship?
  • How many grains of sand are there in the world?
  • What happens if I drop an ant?
  • Why can’t you light a candle in a spaceship
  • Why does fire go upwards
  • Does a cup of hot coffee cool quicker if milk is added before or after stirring?
  • What angle should you aim when trying to shoot a monkey that will fall out the tree the moment you shoot
  • What forces act on you were you at the centre of the earth?
  • Why could you not time a pendulum for 10000 swings by watching it with a timer? answer: you would get bored


Professor Povey's Perplexing Problems: Pre-University Physics and Maths Puzzles with Solutions[1]

Advanced Problems in Mathematics: Preparing for University[2]


数学 Mathematics


  • There's a torus/ring doughnut shaped space station with 2 spacemen on a spacewalk standing diametrically oppositie each other. Can then ask a variety of questions such as if spaceman A wants to throw a spanner to spaceman B, what angle and speed should they choose (stating any assumptions made, e.g. that gravity = 0)?
  • Show that if n is an integer, n^3 - n is pisible by 6.
  • Differentiate x^x, then sketch it.
  • Is it possible to cover a chess-board with dominoes, when two corner squares have been removed from the chessboard and they are (a) adjacent corners, or conversely, (b) diagonally opposite.
  • Integrate 1/(x^2) between -1 and 1. Describe any difficulties in doing this?
  • If a cannon is pointed straight at a monkey in a tree, and the monkey lets go and falls towards the ground at the same instant the cannon is fired, will the monkey be hit? Describe any assumptions you make.
  • Integrate xlog(x).
  • How many solutions to kx=e^x for different values of k?
  • Prove by contradiction that when z^2 = x^2 + y^2 has whole number solutions that x and y cannot both be odd.
  • Sketch y=ln(x) explaining its shape.
  • Compare the integrals between the values e and 1: a) int[ln(x^2)]dx; b) int[(lnx)^2]dx and c) int[lnx]dx. Which is largest?
  • Sketch y=(lnx)/x. (The Student Room)
  • Differentiate x^x and (x^0.5)^(x^0.5).
  • Sketch y=cos(1/x).
  • What is the square root of i?
  • If each face of a cube is coloured with one of 6 different colours, how many ways can it be done?
  • If you have n non-parallel lines in a plane, how many points of intersection are there?
  • Observation about (6 - (37^0.5))^20 being very small.
  • By considering (6 + (37^0.5))^20 + previous expression, show this second expression is very close to an integer.
  • Sketch y^2 = x^3 - x.
  • Integrate from 0 to infinity the following: Int[xe^(-x^2)]dx and Int[(x^3)e^(-x^2)]dx.
  • If you could have half an hour with any mathematician past or present, who would it be?
  • Integrate arctan x!
  • Do you know where the multiplication sign came from
  • If we have 25 people, what is the likelihood that at least one of them is born each month of the year?
  • What makes a tennis ball spin as it's travelling through the air?
  • If (cos(x))^2 = 2sin(a), what are the intervals of values of a in the interval 0 ≤ a ≤ pi so that this equation has a solution?
  • If a round table has n people sitting around it, what is the probability of person A sitting exactly k seats away from person B?
  • You are given that y = t^t and x = cost. What is the value of dy/dx?
  • Differentiate y = x with respect to x^2?
  • Prove by contradiction that 2(a)^2 - b^2 is true only if a and b are both odd?


  • if your friends were here now instead of you, what would they say about you?
  • Whatever got you into pole dancing?
  • Why do you play table tennis?
  • Do you know where the multiplication sign came from?
  • What is the significance of prime numbers?
  • Imagine a ladder leaning against a vertical wall with its feet on hte groun. The middle rung of the ladder has been painted a differnt colour on the side, so that we can see it when we look at the ladder from side on. What shape does that middle rung trace out as the ladder falls to the floor?



  1. The Stanford Mathematics Problem Book: With Hints and Solutions (Dover Books on Mathematics) [3]
  2. Advanced Problems in Mathematics: Preparing for University [4]






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3.美国论坛:中国至少领先印度30年吗 引起论坛各国网友热议




Very safe! In fact, you can increase that number to 40 or 50 and it will still be true.


I lived in a Chinese village with a Chinese family for one month as part of a homestay program. I started my journey from Shanghai airport, and the entire stretch of road leading to the village was smooth, with no potholes, no litter, and not once did I see anyone driving their vehicle on the wrong side of the road, or see stray dogs and cattle hold up vehicles.


Every house in the village had an attached toilet, 24x7 electricity, and the houses all had modern appliances like washing machine, refrigerator, TV, Wi-Fi etc. And I had visited quite a few houses.


Every classroom in the village primary school had a TV which the teachers used to teach their students. The secondary school had Wi-Fi.


All the villagers wore helmets while riding their electric scooters. Every single one of them could read and write Mandarin, and none of them littered or spat or peed in the open.


The women all wore jeans, dresses, skirts etc. and no one judged them and shamed them for “aping the west”. What mattered was their ability, not what clothes they wore.


It was completely safe to wander around the village after dark. No one got harassed for their gender, nationality etc. None of the female participants in the homestay program ever mentioned that they felt uncomfortable, or were stared at by men for wearing shorts. None of us faced any racist taunts.


I’m not saying that China has no problems, but this Chinese village had better services than most Indian cities (we can still only dream of uninterrupted power supply, or 24x7 water, or pothole-free roads).


I cannot say with authority that all villages in China are like this, but I would wager that many of them are. The cities are of course in a different league. I stayed in the suburbs to the north of Shanghai for a few days, not a tourist area. The neighbourhoods were clean, with excellent roads, and footpaths were not cluttered by hawkers. People followed traffic rules. I went to a side street where there were stalls selling street food, and it was clean. No one littered, there was no garbage anywhere.


It’s not just their GDP or infrastructure. It’s their mentality too that has helped China zip ahead.


Some of the Indians think we are competing with China. These people are not wrong as they are the people who get influenced by our Electronic media who compares India-Pakistan and India-China nearly every month. These people think India is far ahead of Pakistan and little behind China.


But reality is not like they believe. Yes we are better than Pakistan but far behind than China. Actually, China is almost 45–50 years ahead of India. Just think of strength of China that its competing with the world superpower USA, And India? We are still calculating our weapons strength with a failed state Pakistan. Chinese roads, its infrastructure, its army, weapons everything are world class. On the other side, our government still dreaming of making Mumbai looks like Shanghai.


China has a network of bullet trains all across the country, they have a dedicated goods train for far Europe and we are still occupying land for our first bullet train. Chinese economy is far better than India. But there is an another side of coin too, China’s power only visible in its cities. The typical Chinese villages are still far behind than USA. But still, they are competing with world super power USA and we can not deny that fact.


But have you ever think what is that which left us far behind to a country who got independence after us and who was very weak than India in the 1950s. Two reason behind this, First our Democracy, we listen so much about that we are largest democracy in the world but this democracy has become an obstacle in our development. I am not saying democracy is bad, but in India, whenever the government tries to do something good, the opposition parties always interrupt those good deeds without even thinking about the country.


The second thing is we, We show our patriotism on 15th August and 26th January with so much enthusiasm but we never ever think of development of our country. I was talking about bullet train but what we did with india’s coolest train Humsafar and Vande Bharat express? Google it and you will find how we treat the public properties in India. On the other side, Chinese people are way better than we Indians.

第二件事是我们,我们展示我们的爱国主义在8月15日和1月26日这么多的热情,但我们从来没有想过发展我们的国家。我说的是高铁,但我们对印度最酷的列车Humsafar和Vande Bharat特快做了什么?你会发现我们是如何对待印度的公共财产的。另一方面,中国人比我们印度人好得多。

The industrial era is over and the world is moving on to the innovation era.


What decides power and wealth now ? Number of factories ? number of workers ? number of soldiers ?Forex reserves ? GDP ?


Nothing but innovation!


Where is China in innovation now ?


China in 2019 surpassed the United States of America (U.S.) as the top source of international patent applications filed with WIPO amid another year of robust growth for the Organization’s international intellectual property (IP) services, treaty-adherence activity and revenue base.


Well, we filed merely 2053, and China did 58,990 even higher than the USA for the first time in history.


The first step in competition is to admit the competitor’s strength. Yes, today’s China is powerful, and is it not visible in the way the USA is running around against China like a headless dragon ?


Instead of being angry against China for being successful, or brushing it aside pointing to the nature of their rulers, we must figure our own ways to grow and compete.


China used its own system to its benefit against the united western nations.


We don't need to copy them. But instead of copying the west blindly, we need to figure out what works for our systems.


When we hear Netas speak that they are bringing Singaporean technology, or Germany technology to solve this Indian problem, it should make us think. Really ?


These are countries with populations less than the size of our tier 2 cities, and very different. How can their solutions be replicated in this country of 1.3 billion ?


We need homegrown indigenous solutions to address our unique problems. China took everything it can from the developed West with a focussed political Will, and still keeps her heart beating very much Chinese.


Yes, as an Indian or even as a neutral observer, I understand China to be very powerful, but also needs lots of diplomatic support and guidance to handle this incredible power, especially with the West ganging against this new power surge in the planet.


This is where India and China should come together, resolving the relatively minor issues, extending concessions to each other on age old issues, build tremendous trust, and build together the next millennium.


India, which is excellent in building peaceful international relations could help mitigate current global perceptions about China.


These are the two ancient countries hosting 2/3rd people of the world. These are not mere countries of migrants or settlers or occupiers or invaders. These are a continuous civilisation over thousands of years disrupted for just a few centuries.


Indian and China should come together finding as many common grounds as possible. I wish there is a separate ministry in both countries exclusively for this. This is my desire as an Indian, and as an Earthling.


Brace yourself for a very politically incorrect and a highly angry answer from a very angry Indian.


This is Beijing Daxing International Airport


which apparently took exactly 5 years to get completed. It happens to be the largest single-structure airport terminal.


Five years, get it? That’s the exact time for which a government in India under a party or alliance is supposed to run in one term.


Now a curious question my friend.


How much time will it take for India to make an exactly similar airport, assuming the government is very much sincere about the project?


Well, first, it will need land. And to get land, you will need to find one. Since land in India can be got for such a thing only by clearing forests or some sort of vegetation, demolishing old constructions which is of no use, and to buy land from some other source(s) . No problem, this hurdle is easy to overcome


Next is tender for construction. Okay, this is easy too.


Now comes commitment. I guess this is a left-hand play. For a government who can construct highways fast, this is something they definitely can do, right?


Now, let’s go back to first point. What if there was a patch of vegetation???


A retinue of fellows claiming to be environmental activists, farmer activists, activists against common sense, will begin a protest on why trees and grasses are being removed.


Next a retinue of film stars whose weddings have a larger carbon footprint than what my family produces in a year and who currently lives outside India, will give us their piece of mind on why hurting grass is bad.


Someone will try to take it to hon’ble Supreme Court and try hard to delay this even further.


A project that can get completed in 5 years or less will get completed in 15 years!!!!!!!!


And such is the story of literally everything that requires a patch of land- Metro shed, factory, highways, railway stations, nuclear power plant, high speed railway lines, …….insert your choice. Brand every single of them as a “corporate conspiracy”, “Product of Ambani” , “capitalist conspiracy”, “anti-environment”, “anti poor” and let India be the battleground of everything like “Hindi imposition”,”Intolerance”.


It is 2019 where industries and infrastructure rule the roost, and a country which has more of these will be the one to wield maximum power and the one which would provide the highest standards of living.


You want India to speed up? The first step is to stop acting as a fricking roadblock. Atleast you can do this much I guess, alongside changing your mindset and priorities. Is that too much to ask?


China thanks to its mindset of supporting industralization lifted its own poor to middle-class levels, at a speed no other nation managed to do. India on other hand managed to reduce its poverty significantly in two decades.


Two decades. You know what went right two decades ago??? Liberalization of economy. China did that way before India did, and they did it under a non-democratic government. India under democracy managed to do it in 2 decades, slower than China. I think that we can do it faster even without becoming a non-democratic nation, provided that people of India stop behaving like emotional fools. We just need to support more industries and infrastructure.


India expects every man and woman to side with her in the race to progress, not against it. If you are against it, you are part of the problem and not solution.


Indians are busy in comparing their country with failed state Pakistan. Meanwhile China is overtaking US in every field. Chinese don’t consider Indians as their enemy, not even a competitor.


It is high time that Indians should compare our country with China and not with Pakistan.


These pictures are enough to open our eyes.


No, China is much more powerful than what a common Indian thinks.


  • GDP: China is the second-largest Nominal GDP with $12.37 trillion whereas India’s GDP $2.7 trillion. 4.6 times more than India.
  • GDP:中国名义GDP为12.37万亿美元,是第二大GDP,而印度为2.7万亿美元。是印度的4.6倍。
  1. When you find the top largest Bank of World, it is not the US or European bank, it's Chinese Bank, Industrial & Commercial Bank of China with total asset of $4.03 trillion, more than India’s GDP. 4 out of 5 largest banks of the World are Chinese.
  • 当你找到最大的世界银行时,它不是美国或欧洲的银行,而是中国的银行,中国工商银行,总资产为4.03万亿美元,比印度的GDP还多。世界上最大的5家银行中有4家是中国的。
  • Smartphone: China rules the electronics market. Apart from 2 major companies Samsung and Apple, all are Chinese which include Huawei, Xiaomi, Lenovo, OnePlus, Oppo, Vivo, Moto, MI, Poco are all Chinese brands. Whether smartphones are manufacturing in India or in any other country, in the end, profit is going to China.
  • 智能手机:中国主宰电子市场。除了三星和苹果这两家大公司,都是中国品牌,包括华为、小米、联想、一加、Oppo、Vivo、Moto、MI、Poco都是中国品牌。无论智能手机是在印度生产还是在其他国家生产,最终利润都会流向中国。
  • Infrastructure: Shenzhen is known as Chineses’ Silicon Valley. Alone Shenzen GDP in 2018 was $361 billion, and don’t forget One Belt, One Road project of the country. It will cost $4 trillion to $8 trillion to complete.
  • 基础设施:深圳被称为中国的硅谷。仅深圳2018年的GDP就达到3610亿美元,别忘了国家的一带一路项目。它将花费4万亿到8万亿美元来完成。
  • Transportation: The country is registering largest vehicle sales globally for many years. 50% of the global electric vehicle sales are in China. The country has one of the densest high-speed train networks in the world (Better than the US). At present, it is the second-largest aviation market and will soon surpass the US.
  • 交通:该国是多年来全球汽车销量最大的国家。全球电动汽车销量的50%在中国。这个国家拥有世界上最密集的高铁网络之一(比美国还好)。目前,中国是全球第二大航空市场,并将很快超过美国。

In the 1980s and 1990s, when globalization started, China grabbed the opportunity thanks to low labor cost and easy transportation and restricted its population. Its time for Industry 4.0 where the world is moving toward automation and finding opportunities in the service sector, we Indians are still focusing on attracting companies on low labor cost whereas China is rigorously working in AI and cloud computing. Yes, we are competing with China but China is a rabbit and we are a tortoise in the race. Now let’s see who will win the race.


4.美国论坛:中国至少领先印度30年吗 引起论坛各国网友热议




Very safe! In fact, you can increase that number to 40 or 50 and it will still be true.


I lived in a Chinese village with a Chinese family for one month as part of a homestay program. I started my journey from Shanghai airport, and the entire stretch of road leading to the village was smooth, with no potholes, no litter, and not once did I see anyone driving their vehicle on the wrong side of the road, or see stray dogs and cattle hold up vehicles.


Every house in the village had an attached toilet, 24x7 electricity, and the houses all had modern appliances like washing machine, refrigerator, TV, Wi-Fi etc. And I had visited quite a few houses.


Every classroom in the village primary school had a TV which the teachers used to teach their students. The secondary school had Wi-Fi.


All the villagers wore helmets while riding their electric scooters. Every single one of them could read and write Mandarin, and none of them littered or spat or peed in the open.


The women all wore jeans, dresses, skirts etc. and no one judged them and shamed them for “aping the west”. What mattered was their ability, not what clothes they wore.


It was completely safe to wander around the village after dark. No one got harassed for their gender, nationality etc. None of the female participants in the homestay program ever mentioned that they felt uncomfortable, or were stared at by men for wearing shorts. None of us faced any racist taunts.


I’m not saying that China has no problems, but this Chinese village had better services than most Indian cities (we can still only dream of uninterrupted power supply, or 24x7 water, or pothole-free roads).


I cannot say with authority that all villages in China are like this, but I would wager that many of them are. The cities are of course in a different league. I stayed in the suburbs to the north of Shanghai for a few days, not a tourist area. The neighbourhoods were clean, with excellent roads, and footpaths were not cluttered by hawkers. People followed traffic rules. I went to a side street where there were stalls selling street food, and it was clean. No one littered, there was no garbage anywhere.


It’s not just their GDP or infrastructure. It’s their mentality too that has helped China zip ahead.


Some of the Indians think we are competing with China. These people are not wrong as they are the people who get influenced by our Electronic media who compares India-Pakistan and India-China nearly every month. These people think India is far ahead of Pakistan and little behind China.


But reality is not like they believe. Yes we are better than Pakistan but far behind than China. Actually, China is almost 45–50 years ahead of India. Just think of strength of China that its competing with the world superpower USA, And India? We are still calculating our weapons strength with a failed state Pakistan. Chinese roads, its infrastructure, its army, weapons everything are world class. On the other side, our government still dreaming of making Mumbai looks like Shanghai.


China has a network of bullet trains all across the country, they have a dedicated goods train for far Europe and we are still occupying land for our first bullet train. Chinese economy is far better than India. But there is an another side of coin too, China’s power only visible in its cities. The typical Chinese villages are still far behind than USA. But still, they are competing with world super power USA and we can not deny that fact.


But have you ever think what is that which left us far behind to a country who got independence after us and who was very weak than India in the 1950s. Two reason behind this, First our Democracy, we listen so much about that we are largest democracy in the world but this democracy has become an obstacle in our development. I am not saying democracy is bad, but in India, whenever the government tries to do something good, the opposition parties always interrupt those good deeds without even thinking about the country.


The second thing is we, We show our patriotism on 15th August and 26th January with so much enthusiasm but we never ever think of development of our country. I was talking about bullet train but what we did with india’s coolest train Humsafar and Vande Bharat express? Google it and you will find how we treat the public properties in India. On the other side, Chinese people are way better than we Indians.

第二件事是我们,我们展示我们的爱国主义在8月15日和1月26日这么多的热情,但我们从来没有想过发展我们的国家。我说的是高铁,但我们对印度最酷的列车Humsafar和Vande Bharat特快做了什么?你会发现我们是如何对待印度的公共财产的。另一方面,中国人比我们印度人好得多。

The industrial era is over and the world is moving on to the innovation era.


What decides power and wealth now ? Number of factories ? number of workers ? number of soldiers ?Forex reserves ? GDP ?


Nothing but innovation!


Where is China in innovation now ?


China in 2019 surpassed the United States of America (U.S.) as the top source of international patent applications filed with WIPO amid another year of robust growth for the Organization’s international intellectual property (IP) services, treaty-adherence activity and revenue base.


Well, we filed merely 2053, and China did 58,990 even higher than the USA for the first time in history.


The first step in competition is to admit the competitor’s strength. Yes, today’s China is powerful, and is it not visible in the way the USA is running around against China like a headless dragon ?


Instead of being angry against China for being successful, or brushing it aside pointing to the nature of their rulers, we must figure our own ways to grow and compete.


China used its own system to its benefit against the united western nations.


We don't need to copy them. But instead of copying the west blindly, we need to figure out what works for our systems.


When we hear Netas speak that they are bringing Singaporean technology, or Germany technology to solve this Indian problem, it should make us think. Really ?


These are countries with populations less than the size of our tier 2 cities, and very different. How can their solutions be replicated in this country of 1.3 billion ?


We need homegrown indigenous solutions to address our unique problems. China took everything it can from the developed West with a focussed political Will, and still keeps her heart beating very much Chinese.


Yes, as an Indian or even as a neutral observer, I understand China to be very powerful, but also needs lots of diplomatic support and guidance to handle this incredible power, especially with the West ganging against this new power surge in the planet.


This is where India and China should come together, resolving the relatively minor issues, extending concessions to each other on age old issues, build tremendous trust, and build together the next millennium.


India, which is excellent in building peaceful international relations could help mitigate current global perceptions about China.


These are the two ancient countries hosting 2/3rd people of the world. These are not mere countries of migrants or settlers or occupiers or invaders. These are a continuous civilisation over thousands of years disrupted for just a few centuries.


Indian and China should come together finding as many common grounds as possible. I wish there is a separate ministry in both countries exclusively for this. This is my desire as an Indian, and as an Earthling.


Brace yourself for a very politically incorrect and a highly angry answer from a very angry Indian.


This is Beijing Daxing International Airport


which apparently took exactly 5 years to get completed. It happens to be the largest single-structure airport terminal.


Five years, get it? That’s the exact time for which a government in India under a party or alliance is supposed to run in one term.


Now a curious question my friend.


How much time will it take for India to make an exactly similar airport, assuming the government is very much sincere about the project?


Well, first, it will need land. And to get land, you will need to find one. Since land in India can be got for such a thing only by clearing forests or some sort of vegetation, demolishing old constructions which is of no use, and to buy land from some other source(s) . No problem, this hurdle is easy to overcome


Next is tender for construction. Okay, this is easy too.


Now comes commitment. I guess this is a left-hand play. For a government who can construct highways fast, this is something they definitely can do, right?


Now, let’s go back to first point. What if there was a patch of vegetation???


A retinue of fellows claiming to be environmental activists, farmer activists, activists against common sense, will begin a protest on why trees and grasses are being removed.


Next a retinue of film stars whose weddings have a larger carbon footprint than what my family produces in a year and who currently lives outside India, will give us their piece of mind on why hurting grass is bad.


Someone will try to take it to hon’ble Supreme Court and try hard to delay this even further.


A project that can get completed in 5 years or less will get completed in 15 years!!!!!!!!


And such is the story of literally everything that requires a patch of land- Metro shed, factory, highways, railway stations, nuclear power plant, high speed railway lines, …….insert your choice. Brand every single of them as a “corporate conspiracy”, “Product of Ambani” , “capitalist conspiracy”, “anti-environment”, “anti poor” and let India be the battleground of everything like “Hindi imposition”,”Intolerance”.


It is 2019 where industries and infrastructure rule the roost, and a country which has more of these will be the one to wield maximum power and the one which would provide the highest standards of living.


You want India to speed up? The first step is to stop acting as a fricking roadblock. Atleast you can do this much I guess, alongside changing your mindset and priorities. Is that too much to ask?


China thanks to its mindset of supporting industralization lifted its own poor to middle-class levels, at a speed no other nation managed to do. India on other hand managed to reduce its poverty significantly in two decades.


Two decades. You know what went right two decades ago??? Liberalization of economy. China did that way before India did, and they did it under a non-democratic government. India under democracy managed to do it in 2 decades, slower than China. I think that we can do it faster even without becoming a non-democratic nation, provided that people of India stop behaving like emotional fools. We just need to support more industries and infrastructure.


India expects every man and woman to side with her in the race to progress, not against it. If you are against it, you are part of the problem and not solution.


Indians are busy in comparing their country with failed state Pakistan. Meanwhile China is overtaking US in every field. Chinese don’t consider Indians as their enemy, not even a competitor.


It is high time that Indians should compare our country with China and not with Pakistan.


These pictures are enough to open our eyes.


No, China is much more powerful than what a common Indian thinks.


  • GDP: China is the second-largest Nominal GDP with $12.37 trillion whereas India’s GDP $2.7 trillion. 4.6 times more than India.
  • GDP:中国名义GDP为12.37万亿美元,是第二大GDP,而印度为2.7万亿美元。是印度的4.6倍。
  1. When you find the top largest Bank of World, it is not the US or European bank, it's Chinese Bank, Industrial & Commercial Bank of China with total asset of $4.03 trillion, more than India’s GDP. 4 out of 5 largest banks of the World are Chinese.
  • 当你找到最大的世界银行时,它不是美国或欧洲的银行,而是中国的银行,中国工商银行,总资产为4.03万亿美元,比印度的GDP还多。世界上最大的5家银行中有4家是中国的。
  • Smartphone: China rules the electronics market. Apart from 2 major companies Samsung and Apple, all are Chinese which include Huawei, Xiaomi, Lenovo, OnePlus, Oppo, Vivo, Moto, MI, Poco are all Chinese brands. Whether smartphones are manufacturing in India or in any other country, in the end, profit is going to China.
  • 智能手机:中国主宰电子市场。除了三星和苹果这两家大公司,都是中国品牌,包括华为、小米、联想、一加、Oppo、Vivo、Moto、MI、Poco都是中国品牌。无论智能手机是在印度生产还是在其他国家生产,最终利润都会流向中国。
  • Infrastructure: Shenzhen is known as Chineses’ Silicon Valley. Alone Shenzen GDP in 2018 was $361 billion, and don’t forget One Belt, One Road project of the country. It will cost $4 trillion to $8 trillion to complete.
  • 基础设施:深圳被称为中国的硅谷。仅深圳2018年的GDP就达到3610亿美元,别忘了国家的一带一路项目。它将花费4万亿到8万亿美元来完成。
  • Transportation: The country is registering largest vehicle sales globally for many years. 50% of the global electric vehicle sales are in China. The country has one of the densest high-speed train networks in the world (Better than the US). At present, it is the second-largest aviation market and will soon surpass the US.
  • 交通:该国是多年来全球汽车销量最大的国家。全球电动汽车销量的50%在中国。这个国家拥有世界上最密集的高铁网络之一(比美国还好)。目前,中国是全球第二大航空市场,并将很快超过美国。

In the 1980s and 1990s, when globalization started, China grabbed the opportunity thanks to low labor cost and easy transportation and restricted its population. Its time for Industry 4.0 where the world is moving toward automation and finding opportunities in the service sector, we Indians are still focusing on attracting companies on low labor cost whereas China is rigorously working in AI and cloud computing. Yes, we are competing with China but China is a rabbit and we are a tortoise in the race. Now let’s see who will win the race.






















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